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Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:

I just wanted to tell you that I just purchased your program and it is unbelievable! Thank you so much for developing such a program. By the way, I recently sent you an email telling you that I had purchased PAT (personal algebra tutor) and am very unhappy with it.
Jessica Short, NJ

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Patrick Ocean, FL

At first, I was under the impression your software was aimed at the elementary and high school level, so I didnt use it at all. Finally, one night I on a whim I tried it out and, after getting past the initial learning curve, was just blown away at how advanced it really is! I mean, Ill be using all the way through my BS in Anthropology!
John Doer, TX

As a mother of a son with a learning disability, I was astounded to see his progress with your software. Hes struggled for years with algebra but the step-by-step instructions made it easy for him to understand. Hes doing much better now.
Bill Reilly, MA

The most hated equations in Algebra for me is Radical ones, I couldn't solve any radical equation till I bought your software. Now, learned how to solve them and how to check if my answers are valid.
S.D., Oregon

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