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Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:

The Algebrator could replace teachers, sometime in the future. It is more detailed and more patient than my current math teacher. I, personally, understand algebra better. Thank you for creating it!
Helen Dillanueva, VA

This product is the greatest thing. I always went to my friends house to use hers until I could convince my parents to buy it for me. I hate to say it but I really needed help with algebra and now Ive got it!
John Tusack, MI

My son was always coaxing me to keep a tutor for doing algebra homework. Then, a friend of mine told me about this software 'Algebrator'. Initially, I was a bit hesitant as I was having apprehension about its lack of human interaction which usually a tutor has. However, I asked my son to give it a try. And, I was quite surprised to find that he developed liking of this software. I can not tell why as I am not from math background and I have forgotten my school algebra. But, I can see that my son is comfortable with the subject now.
M.D., South Dakota

I used your software to prepare for my algebra exam. I really like the step by step solution process and explanations.
Madison Childress, FL

Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's Algebrator customers have used to find our site. Can you find yours among them?

Algebra En Espaol

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Testing Purposes Algebraic Subtraction Addition Fraction

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