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I use to scratch my head solving tricky arithmetic problems. I can recall the horrible time I had looking at the equations and feeling as if I will never be able to solve them but once I started with Algebrator things are totally different
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I think the program is tremendous. We have only been using it a week, but it has already paid for itself. We are currently using it to "check" homework assignment on a child struggling in Algebra 2 in High School. I set it to save "99" steps and we can see every step of the solution. The explanations at each step are invaluable, since it has been many years since my Algebra days. We haven't had a problem yet it couldn't solve. It is pretty user friendly, and, as long as you enter the problem correctly, there are no problems. Next year we have another child starting High School and Algebra 1. I will be looking forward to the next release of the Algebrator. It is great!
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