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The program has led my daughter, Brooke to succeed in her honors algebra class. Although she was already making good grades, the program has allowed her to become more confident because she is able to check her work.
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This software is the best of its kind. The explanations of each step are excellent and easy to understand. A must have for any parent with high school age children. Well done.
Samantha Jordan, NV
I decided to home school my children at a young age. Once they were older, I quickly realized that I was not able to create efficient math lesson plans before I did not have the knowledge to do so. Algebrator not only allowed me to teach my children algebra, but it also refreshed my knowledge as well. Thank you for creating sure a wonderful program!
Jori Kidd, KY
I purchased the Personal Algebra Tutor (PAT). The system is not has functional as I wanted or expected, and there are several problems it will not solve, or certain problems will freeze up the system. The program is OK but there are too many limitations and several technical issues. It took three e-mail from their tech support just to activate the program.
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