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Teron, PA
As the parent of an ADD child, Ive tried many different tutors and learning programs, and none have really worked. So, I must admit, I was skeptical about using yours. So soon after, when my sons math teacher called me to setup a meeting, I thought, Great, what now? But, to my delight, she wanted to know what my secret was because, as she put it, my son had done a complete 180 and was now one of her best students! So I told her what my secret was: your software!
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My husband has been using the software since he went back to school a few months ago. Hes been out of college for over 10 years so he was very rusty with his math skills. A teacher friend of ours suggested the program since she uses it to teach her students fractions. Mike has been doing well in his two math classes. Thank you!
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My twins needed help with algebra equations, but I did not have the knowledge to help them. Rather then spending a lot of money on a math tutor, I found a program that does the same thing. My twins are no longer struggling with math. Thank you for creating a product that helps so many people.
Chuck Jones, LA
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